Plastic welding durability

Plastic welding durability

Plastic welding has been around for decades and is used in the medical field, packaging, and automotive sector. Various elements determine its durability, but under ideal conditions, it can be extremely strong and long-lasting.

When done correctly by effectively preparing the welding area in advance, with the correct welding rod and repeated verification of various other factors, plastic welding may have as much as 98 percent of the parent material’s strength.

The purpose of plastic welding

Plastic welding applications are used in various sectors, most notably the automobile industry, particularly for bumpers that need to pass strict safety tests.

Factors that influence durability and strength

Plastic welding may be exceedingly strong and long-lasting if done correctly. However, various elements can influence its longevity, ranging from the material used to the welder’s expertise. Frequently, poor welding technique is blamed for reduced durability expectations.

Factors that result in reduced durability of the plastic weld include but are not limited to:

  • Selecting the wrong welding rod
  • Inadequate preparation of the area
  • Incorrect temperature
  • Material too weak to handle plastic welding

Preparing the area

Sufficient cleaning of the area to be welded is critical. As a result, the parent material must be thoroughly cleaned and stripped to remove all traces of paint, oil, grease, or UV deterioration and ensure an effective plastic weld.

Additional preparation includes selecting the right welding technique you plan to use. For example, for short weld runs, pendulum welding is used, while speed welding is used for longer runs. Preparing the weld correctly in advance is critical to the plastic weld’s longevity.

Testing durability

Choosing the appropriate rod from a rod test kit is critical for testing durability. In addition, small strips of the parent material can also be welded as a test. This second method is crucial in assessing whether the material is suitable to weld properly. However, tensile testers are most typically used to measure strength, and several parameters are evaluated in a weld to ensure durability.

Contact M.E.E for details

If you have any questions about plastic welding, you can get in touch with us today for more information on our products, services, and spares.


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